Validación de traducción al español del TSQ con participantes entre 8 a 17 años residentes en Puerto Rico
Al menos el 68% de los niños y adolescentes han experimentado un evento potencialmente traumático a la edad de 16 años. Es común que se utilice el Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children –Adapted Version (TSCC-A) para identificar secuelas de esas experiencias. Estudiamos la versión en español del Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ) como una medida de fácil administración para evaluar dichos síntomas. Se presenta información psicométrica de esta versión. Estos resultados revelan que el TSQ puede ser considerado como una alternativa apropiada, de fácil administración y codificación para evaluar los síntomas asociados a las experiencias traumáticas e informar el proceso de planificación y provisión de servicios para estos participantes.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (American Psychiatric Association, Ed.) (5th ed.). Arlington, VA.
Arbuckle, J. L. (2014). AMOS 23 User’s Guide.Chicago: IBM SPSS.
Bethell, C. D., Newacheck, P., Hawes, E. y Halfon, N. (2014). Adverse childhood experiences: assessing the impact on health and school engagement and the mitigation role of resilience. Health Affairs, 33(12), 2106–2115.
Brewin, C.R., Rose, S., Andrews, B., Green, J., Tata, P., McEvedy, C., … Foa, E. B. (2002). Brief screening instrument for post-traumatic stress disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 158–162.
Briere, J. (1995). Trauma Symptom Inventory.
Butcher, F., Kretschmar, J. M., Singer, M. I. y Flannery, D. J. (2015). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children in an At-Risk Sample of Youth. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 6(2), 251–268.
Castro Carboni, N., Campos Villalobos, G. y López Castillo, C. (2003). Neurobiología y tratamiento del trastorno de estrés post-traumático. Medicina Legal de Costa Rica, 20(2), 3–8.
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G. y Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied multiple correlation/regression analysis for the behavioral sciences.
Cook, A., Blaustein, M., Spinazzola, J. y van der Kolk, B. (2003). Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents. National Child Traumatic Stress Network Complex Trauma Task Force, 3–41.
Craparo, G., Ardino, V., Gori, A., Craparo, G., Ardino, V., Gori, A. y Caretti, V. (2014). The Relationships between Early Trauma, Dissociation and Alexithymia in Alcohol Addiction. Psychiatry Investigation, 11(3), 330–335.
Dhingra, S. S., Kroenke, K., Zack, M. M., Strine, T. W. y Balluz, L. S. (2011). PHQ-8 Days : a measurement option for DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) severity. Population Health Metrics, 9(11).
Foa, E. B., Riggs, D. S., Dancu, C. V. y Rothbaum, B. O. (1993). Reliability and validity of a brief instrument for assessing post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 6, 459–473.
Folger, A. T., Putnam, K. T., Putnam, F. W., Peugh, J. L., Eismann, E. A., Sa, T., … Ammerman, R. T. (2017). Maternal Interpersonal Trauma and Child Social-Emotional Development: An Intergenerational Effect. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 31(2), 99–107.
Ghadiri, Z. S., Abolghasemi, A. y Aghajani, S. (n.d.). A comparison of behavior activation-inhibition systems and emotional clarity in students with and without trauma. Journal of School Psychology, 4(2), 69–88.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. y Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (Seventh). Essex, CM: Pearson Education Limited.
Hamby, S., Finkerhol, D., Ormrod, R. y Turner, H. (2005). The Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire: Administration and Scoring Manual.
Durham, NH: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Crimes Against Children Research Center at University of New Hampshire.
Hu, L. y Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives, Structural Equation Modeling. A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55.
Krause-Utz, A., Elzinga, B. M., Oei, N. Y. L., Paret, C., Niedtfield, I., Spinhoven, P., & Bohus, M. y Schmahl, C. (2014). Amygdala and Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Connectivity during an Emotional Working Memory Task in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients with Interpersonal Trauma History. Frontiers in Neuropsychology, 8, 848–856.
Kroenke, K., Strine, T. W., Spitzer, R. L., Williams, J. B. W., Berry, J. T. y Mokdad, A. H. (2009). The PHQ-8 as a measure of current depression in the general population. Journal of Affective Disorders, 114(1–3), 163–173.
López-Torres, S., Pérez-Pedrogo, C., Sánchez-Cardona, I. y Sánchez-Cesareo, M. (2018, April). Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 among a sample of children and adolescents residing in Puerto Rico. 38 Th Annual Research and Education Forum of the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Science Campus.
Marusak, H. A., Martin, K. R., Etkin, A. y Thomason, M. E. (2014). Childhood Trauma Exposure Disrupts the Automatic Regulation of Emotional Processing. Neuropsychopharmacology.
Mossman, S. A., Luft, M. J., Schroeder, H. K., Varney, S. T., Fleck, D. E., Barzman, D. H., … Strawn, J. R. (2017). and validation. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 29(4), 227–234.
Nunnally, J. C. y Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psychometric Theory (3rd Editio). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Raykov, T. y Shrout, P. E. (2002). Reliability of Scales With General Structure: Point and Interval Estimation Using a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9(2), 195–212.
Sacks, V., Murphey, D. y Moore, K. (2014). Adverse Childhood Experiences: National and State Level Prevalence Research Brief.
Simmons, K. T. y Douglas, D. Y. (2018). After the Storm: Helping Children Cope with Trauma after Natural Disasters. Communique, 46(5), 2018.
Soler, L., Kirchner, T., Paretilla, C. y Forns, M. (2013). Impact of Poly- Victimization on Mental Health : The Mediator and / or Moderator Role of. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(13), 2695–2712.
Song, L., Singer, M. I. y Anglin, T. M. (1998). Violence Exposure and Emotional Trauma as Contributors to Adolescents ’ Violent Behaviors. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 152(6), 531–536.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. (2011). Helping Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Traumatic Events.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. (2014). A treatment improvement protocol: Trauma Informed care in behavioral health services. Rockville, MD.
Thibeault, M. A., Nelson-Gray, R. O., Mendez, J. L. y Stein, G. L. (2017). Impact of trauma exposure and acculturative stress on internalizing symptoms for recently arrived migrant-origin youth : Results from a community-based partnership. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(June), 984–998.
Tiirikainen, K., Haravuori, H., Ranta, K., Kaltiala-Heino, R., y Marttunen, M. (2019). Psychometric properties of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) in a large representative sample of Finnish adolescents. Psychiatry Research, 272, 30–35.
Torres-Valentín, M. L., Martínez-Taboas, A., Sayers-Montalvo, S. K. y Padilla, L. (2013). Eventos traumáticos en estudiantes de medicina y psicología clínica en Puerto Rico. Revista Interamericana de Psicología, 47(1), 101–110.
Walters, J. T. R., Bisson, J. I. y Shepherd, J. P. (2007). Predicting post-traumatic stress disorder: Validation of the Trauma Screening Questionnaire in victims of assault. Psychological Medicine, 37(1), 143–150.
Wherry, J. N., Huffhines, L. P. y Walisky, D. N. (2016). A Short Form of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children. Child Maltreatment, 21(1), 37–46.
Wu, P., Bird, H. R., Liu, X., Duarte, C. S., Fuller, C., Fan, B. I. N., … Canino, G. J. (2010). Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Alcohol-Use Initiation in Children. Journal for the Study of Alcohol and Drugs, 71(3), 326–334.
Arbuckle, J. L. (2014). AMOS 23 User’s Guide.Chicago: IBM SPSS.
Bethell, C. D., Newacheck, P., Hawes, E. y Halfon, N. (2014). Adverse childhood experiences: assessing the impact on health and school engagement and the mitigation role of resilience. Health Affairs, 33(12), 2106–2115.
Brewin, C.R., Rose, S., Andrews, B., Green, J., Tata, P., McEvedy, C., … Foa, E. B. (2002). Brief screening instrument for post-traumatic stress disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 158–162.
Briere, J. (1995). Trauma Symptom Inventory.
Butcher, F., Kretschmar, J. M., Singer, M. I. y Flannery, D. J. (2015). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children in an At-Risk Sample of Youth. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 6(2), 251–268.
Castro Carboni, N., Campos Villalobos, G. y López Castillo, C. (2003). Neurobiología y tratamiento del trastorno de estrés post-traumático. Medicina Legal de Costa Rica, 20(2), 3–8.
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G. y Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied multiple correlation/regression analysis for the behavioral sciences.
Cook, A., Blaustein, M., Spinazzola, J. y van der Kolk, B. (2003). Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents. National Child Traumatic Stress Network Complex Trauma Task Force, 3–41.
Craparo, G., Ardino, V., Gori, A., Craparo, G., Ardino, V., Gori, A. y Caretti, V. (2014). The Relationships between Early Trauma, Dissociation and Alexithymia in Alcohol Addiction. Psychiatry Investigation, 11(3), 330–335.
Dhingra, S. S., Kroenke, K., Zack, M. M., Strine, T. W. y Balluz, L. S. (2011). PHQ-8 Days : a measurement option for DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) severity. Population Health Metrics, 9(11).
Foa, E. B., Riggs, D. S., Dancu, C. V. y Rothbaum, B. O. (1993). Reliability and validity of a brief instrument for assessing post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 6, 459–473.
Folger, A. T., Putnam, K. T., Putnam, F. W., Peugh, J. L., Eismann, E. A., Sa, T., … Ammerman, R. T. (2017). Maternal Interpersonal Trauma and Child Social-Emotional Development: An Intergenerational Effect. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 31(2), 99–107.
Ghadiri, Z. S., Abolghasemi, A. y Aghajani, S. (n.d.). A comparison of behavior activation-inhibition systems and emotional clarity in students with and without trauma. Journal of School Psychology, 4(2), 69–88.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. y Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (Seventh). Essex, CM: Pearson Education Limited.
Hamby, S., Finkerhol, D., Ormrod, R. y Turner, H. (2005). The Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire: Administration and Scoring Manual.
Durham, NH: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Crimes Against Children Research Center at University of New Hampshire.
Hu, L. y Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives, Structural Equation Modeling. A Multidisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 1–55.
Krause-Utz, A., Elzinga, B. M., Oei, N. Y. L., Paret, C., Niedtfield, I., Spinhoven, P., & Bohus, M. y Schmahl, C. (2014). Amygdala and Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Connectivity during an Emotional Working Memory Task in Borderline Personality Disorder Patients with Interpersonal Trauma History. Frontiers in Neuropsychology, 8, 848–856.
Kroenke, K., Strine, T. W., Spitzer, R. L., Williams, J. B. W., Berry, J. T. y Mokdad, A. H. (2009). The PHQ-8 as a measure of current depression in the general population. Journal of Affective Disorders, 114(1–3), 163–173.
López-Torres, S., Pérez-Pedrogo, C., Sánchez-Cardona, I. y Sánchez-Cesareo, M. (2018, April). Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 among a sample of children and adolescents residing in Puerto Rico. 38 Th Annual Research and Education Forum of the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Science Campus.
Marusak, H. A., Martin, K. R., Etkin, A. y Thomason, M. E. (2014). Childhood Trauma Exposure Disrupts the Automatic Regulation of Emotional Processing. Neuropsychopharmacology.
Mossman, S. A., Luft, M. J., Schroeder, H. K., Varney, S. T., Fleck, D. E., Barzman, D. H., … Strawn, J. R. (2017). and validation. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 29(4), 227–234.
Nunnally, J. C. y Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psychometric Theory (3rd Editio). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Raykov, T. y Shrout, P. E. (2002). Reliability of Scales With General Structure: Point and Interval Estimation Using a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 9(2), 195–212.
Sacks, V., Murphey, D. y Moore, K. (2014). Adverse Childhood Experiences: National and State Level Prevalence Research Brief.
Simmons, K. T. y Douglas, D. Y. (2018). After the Storm: Helping Children Cope with Trauma after Natural Disasters. Communique, 46(5), 2018.
Soler, L., Kirchner, T., Paretilla, C. y Forns, M. (2013). Impact of Poly- Victimization on Mental Health : The Mediator and / or Moderator Role of. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(13), 2695–2712.
Song, L., Singer, M. I. y Anglin, T. M. (1998). Violence Exposure and Emotional Trauma as Contributors to Adolescents ’ Violent Behaviors. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 152(6), 531–536.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. (2011). Helping Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Traumatic Events.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. (2014). A treatment improvement protocol: Trauma Informed care in behavioral health services. Rockville, MD.
Thibeault, M. A., Nelson-Gray, R. O., Mendez, J. L. y Stein, G. L. (2017). Impact of trauma exposure and acculturative stress on internalizing symptoms for recently arrived migrant-origin youth : Results from a community-based partnership. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(June), 984–998.
Tiirikainen, K., Haravuori, H., Ranta, K., Kaltiala-Heino, R., y Marttunen, M. (2019). Psychometric properties of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) in a large representative sample of Finnish adolescents. Psychiatry Research, 272, 30–35.
Torres-Valentín, M. L., Martínez-Taboas, A., Sayers-Montalvo, S. K. y Padilla, L. (2013). Eventos traumáticos en estudiantes de medicina y psicología clínica en Puerto Rico. Revista Interamericana de Psicología, 47(1), 101–110.
Walters, J. T. R., Bisson, J. I. y Shepherd, J. P. (2007). Predicting post-traumatic stress disorder: Validation of the Trauma Screening Questionnaire in victims of assault. Psychological Medicine, 37(1), 143–150.
Wherry, J. N., Huffhines, L. P. y Walisky, D. N. (2016). A Short Form of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children. Child Maltreatment, 21(1), 37–46.
Wu, P., Bird, H. R., Liu, X., Duarte, C. S., Fuller, C., Fan, B. I. N., … Canino, G. J. (2010). Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Alcohol-Use Initiation in Children. Journal for the Study of Alcohol and Drugs, 71(3), 326–334.
Cómo citar
Validación de traducción al español del TSQ con participantes entre 8 a 17 años residentes en Puerto Rico. (2019). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 30(2), 242-252.
Artículo de investigación
Si se acepta un trabajo para su publicación, los derechos de impresión y de reproducción por cualquier forma y medio son de la Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico (APPR), que no rechazará cualquier petición razonable por parte de los autores para obtener el permiso de reproducción de sus contribuciones. Debe adjuntarse una carta tipo de cesión de derechos. Se entiende que las opiniones expresadas en los artículos son de responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no comprometen la opinión y política científica de la Revista ni de la APPR. Igualmente, las actividades descritas en los trabajos publicados estarán de acuerdo con los criterios de ética, tanto por lo que se refiere a los trabajos con humanos como a la experimentación animal, así como en todo lo relativo a la ética profesional.
Cómo citar
Validación de traducción al español del TSQ con participantes entre 8 a 17 años residentes en Puerto Rico. (2019). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 30(2), 242-252.