A Neurocognitive Video Game Intervention Effects on the Reading Skills and Cognitive Abilities of English Language Learners
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a video game intervention, based on the PASS neurocognitive theory, on the reading skills and cognitive abilities of ELLs. A two-group experimental design was employed. Participants in the experimental group were subjected to a video game intervention for a period of 20 weeks, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Despite recruiting 52 students to participate, most did not spend enough time playing the game for it to be successful. In addition, the devastation caused by hurricane María forced researchers to discontinue the intervention, which led to losing great part of the experimental sample. The analysis is focused on how to better integrate the intervention so that students can take advantage of a video game intervention based on PASS theory. The discussion addresses how PASS interventions are better suited for dealing with reading problems among ELLs and how video games can prove to be a useful technology for psychologists and educators.
(2007, October). Retrieved January 1, 2015, from www.shastacoe.org:https://www.shas tacoe.org/ uploaded/Dept/ is/general/Teacher_Section/EnglishLanguageLearners.pdf
Adams , D. M. (2013). Exploring the Effect of Video Game Playing on Static and Dynamic Spatial. (Unpublished Disertation) University of California, Santa Barbara
Annetta, L. (2008). Video Games in Education: Why They Should Be Used. Theory Into Practice, 229-239.
August, D., McCardle, P., & Shanahan, T. (2014). Developing Literacy in English Language Learners: Findings From a Review of the Experimental Research. School Psychology Review, 490-498.
Baez, M. (2005). Exploratory study to evalúate the possibility of cognate remediation in a group of children with reading disabilities: Application of the PASS neuropsychological model. (Unpublished Doctoral Disseration) University of Puerto Rico Rico, Piedras Campus
Baker, K. (2001). Reading Instruction with Poor Readers: A Comparison of the PASS Reading Enhancement Program (PREP) and a Teacher-Developed Phonics-Based. Thesis.
Belli, S., & Lopez, C. (2008). A Brief History of Video Games. Athenea Digital, 159-179.
Boot, W. R., Champion, M., Blakely, D. P., Wright, T., Souders, D. J., & Chamess, N. (2013). Video games as a means to reduce age-related cognitive decline: attitudes, compliance, and effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology.
Bozoki, A., Radovanovic, M., Winn, B., Heeter, C., & Anthony, J. G. (2013). Effects of a computer-based cognitive exercise program on age-related cognitive decline. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Chiyoko Harvey, S. (2000). The Effects of Process-based Reading Enhancement Program (PREP): A Cognitive Processing Approach to the Reading Remediation of Title 1 Elementary Students . Dissertation.
Churches, M. (1999). Assesment and Remediation of Sucssesive Processing Deficits Using the PASS Information Procesing Model. Dissertation.
Coller, B. D., & Scott, M. J. (2009). Effectiveness of using a video game to teach a course in mechanical engineering. Computers & Education, 900-912.
Colzato, L. S., van den Wildenberg, W. P., Zmigrod, S., & Hommel , B. (2013). Action video gaming and cognitive control: playing Wrst person shooter games is associated with improvement in working memory but not action inhibition. Psychological Research, 234–239.
Connors-Tadros, L. (2014). Definitions and Approaches to Measuring Reading Proficiency . Ceelo Fast Facts.
Criollo, A. (2018, March 9). Caribbean Bussiness. Puerto Rico lost 6% of its population after Hurricane Maria.
Das, J. P., Mishra, R. K., & Kirby, J.R. (1994). Cognitive patterns of children with dyslexia: A Comparison Between Groups with High and Average Nonverbal Intelligence. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 235-242.
Das, J. P., Mishra, R. K., & Pool, J. E. (1995). An experiment on cognitive remediation or word-reading difficulty. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28(2), 66-79.
Das, J., Naglieri, J., & Kirby, J. R. (1994). Assessment of Cognitive Processes. Needham Heights: MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Das, J. P., & Siu, I. (1989). Good and Poor Readers’ Word Naming Time, Memory Span, and Story Recall. The Journal of Experimental Education, 101-114.
DeHann, J. (2008). Video games and second language acquisition: The effect of interactivity with a rhythm video game on second language vocabulary recall, cognitive load, and telepresence. .Dissertation.
De Giglio, L., De Luca, F., Prosperini, L., Borriello, G., Pozilli, C., Bianchi, V., & Pantano, P. (2015). A Low-Cost Cognitive Rehabilitation with a Commercial Video Game Improves Sustained Attention and Executive Functions in Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 453-461.
Disdier Flores, O., & Marazzi Santiago, M. (2013). Perfil del Sistema Educativo de Puerto Rico. Instituto de Estadisticas de Puerto Rico.
Edmonton, A. (2000). Assesment and Remediation using the PASS Theory with Canadian Natives. Thesis.
Edwin, M. (2000). A PASS Cogntive Processes Intervention Study in Mathematics. Dissertation.
Forget, T. (2001). An Investigation of the Efficacy of The PASS Reading Enhacen Program (PREP) as an Aptitude treatment Interaction (ATI) in the Remediation of Decoding Deficits in a Title I Remedial Summer School Porgram. Dissertation.
Fry, R. (2008, June 26). http://www.pewhispanic.org/. Retrieved December 1, 2014, from http://www.pewhispanic.org/2008/06/26/the-role-of-schools-in-the-english-language-learner-achievement-gap/
Garcia, O., Kleifgen, J., & Falchi, L. (2008). From English Language Learners to Emergent Bilinguals. Equity Matters.
Gee, J. (2009). Literacy, video games, and popular culture. The Cambridge handbook of literacy, 313-325.
Girard, C., Ecalle, J., & Magnan, A. (2013). Serious games as new educational tools: how effective are they? A meta-analysis of recent studies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 207-219.
Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2007). Action-Video-Game Experience Alters the Spatial Resolution of Vision. Psychol Sci, 88-94.
Green, C., & Bavelier, D. (2011). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Video Games. “Digital Media:Transformations in Human Communication”.
Han, I. (2008). Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for English Language Learners in Preschool through Sixth Grades: A Meta-Analysis of Group Design Studies. Dotoral Dissertation.
Hao-Jan, H., & Ting-Yu, C. (2013). The impact of adventure video games on foreign language learning and the perceptions of learners. Interactive Learning Environments, 129-141.
Hayward, D., Das, J. P., & Janzen, T. (2007). Innovative Programs for Improvement in Reading Through Cognitive Enhancement: A Remediation Study of Canadian First Nations Children. Journal of Learning Disablitites, 443-457.
http://www.cdc.gov/. (2014, July 1). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from http://www.cdc.gov /minorityhealth/populations/REMP/hispanic.html
http://www.learningpt.org/. (2004). Retrieved January 2, 2014, from http://www.learningpt.org/pdfs/literacy/components.pdf
Ke, F., & Grabowski, B. (2007). Gameplaying for maths learning: cooperative or not? British Journal of Educational Technology, 249-259.
Kirby, J. R., & Robinson, G. L. (1987). Simultaneous and Successive Processing in Reading Disabled Children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 243-252.
Kirby, J. R., Booth, C. A., & Das, J. P. (1996). Cognitive processes and IQ in reading disability. The Journal of Special Education, 442-456.
Klett, L., Cartledge, G., Kourea, L., Yurick, A., & Gibson, L. (2009). Early Reading Interventions: Responding to the Learning Needs of Young At-Risk English Language Learners. Learning Disability Quarterly , 143-162.
Klett, L., Cartledge, G., Kurea, L., Yurick, A., & Lenwood, G. (2009). Early Reading Interventions: Responding to the learning needs of young at-risk english language learners. Learning Disability Qiuirtcrly, 143-161.
Klopfer, E., & Squire, K. (2008). Environmental Detectives the development of an augmented reality platform for environmental simulations. Educational Technology Research and Development, 203-228.
Kolb, B., Gibb, R., & Robinson, T. (2003). Brain Plasticity and Behavior. American Psychological Association.
Kourea, L. (2007). Effects of a supplemental reading intervention package on the reading skills of English speakers and English language learners in three urban elementary schools: A follow-up investigation. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) Syracuse University
Kretzschmar, F., Pleimling, D., Hosemann, J., Füssel, S., Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I., & Schlesewsky, M. (2013). Subjective Impressions Do Not Mirror Online Reading Effort: Concurrent EEG-Eyetracking Evidence from the Reading of Books and Digital Media. Plos One.
Kulich, L. (2009). The English reading development of Karen children using the Fluency Development Lesson in an intensive English language program: Three descriptive case studies. (Unpublished Dissertation) University of Akron
Languis, M., & Miller, D. (1992). Luria's Theory of Brain Functioning: A model for researching cognitve psychology. Educational Psychologist, 493-511.
Lee, J., Grigg, W., & Donahue , P. (2007). The Nation's Report Card: Reading Statistics 2007. National Assesment of Educational Progress.
Lovett, M., De Palma, M., Steinbach, K., Temple, M., Benson, N., & Lacerenza, L. (2008). Interventions for reading difficulties: A comparison of response to intervention by ELL and EFL struggling readers. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 333-352.
Luria, A. (1974). El Cerebro en Acción. Barcelona: Fontanela.
Mahapatra, S. (1990). Reading behavior in children with epilepsy. Psychological Studies, 170-178
Mathiak, K., Klasen, M., Weber, R., Ackermann, H., Shergill, S., & Mathiak, K. (2011). Reward system and temporal pole contributions to affective evaluarion during a first person shooter video game. Neuroscience.
Mayer, R. E., Adams, D. M., & Pilegard, C. (2016). Evaluating the Cognitive Consequences of Playing Portal for a Short Duration. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 173-195.
Medina, N. (2007). Estudio sobre la modificación cognitiva en niños con dificultades en la lectura y Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad Tipo Combinado. Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Moucha, R., & Kilgard, M. (2006). Cortical plasticity and rehabilitation. Progress in Brain Research, 111-122.
Murnane, R., Sawhill, I., & Snow, C. (2012). Literacy Challenges for the Twenty-First Century: Istroducing the issue. The Future of Children, 3-15.
Naglieri, J., Das, J., & Goldstein, S. (2014). Cognitive Assessment System: Brief. Shoal Creek Boulevard: Pro-ed.
Naglieri, J. A., & Johnson, D. (2000). Effectiveness of a Cognitive Strategy Intervention in Improving Arithmetic Computation Based on the PASS Theory. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 591-597.
Naglieri, J. A., & Otero, T. M. (2011). The Cognitive Assessment System and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV in a neuropsychological context. In Mathers, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (Eds.), Comprehensive evaluations: Case reports for psychologists, diagnosticians and special educators. John Wiley and Sons
Naglieri, J. A., Taddei, S. & Williams, Kevin (2006) Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of U.S. and Italian children's performance on the PASS theory of intelligence as measured --by the Cognitive Assessment System. Psychological Assessment, 157-166
Naglieri, J. A., & Otero, T. M. (2010). Cognitive Assesment System: Redifining Inteligence from a Neuropsychological Perspective. Handbook of Pediatric Neropsychology, 1-16.
Otero, T. M., Gonzales, L., & Naglieri, J. A. (2013). The Neurocogntive Assement of Hispanic English Language Learners With Reading Failure . Aplied Neuropsychology; Child, 24-32.
Papastergiou, M. (2009). Exploring the potential of computer and video games for health and physical education: A literature review. Computers & Education, 603-622.
Papadopoulos, T. C., Charalambous, A., Kanari, A., & Loizou, M. (2004). Kindergarten cognitive intervention for reading difficulties: The PREP remediation in Greek. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 79-105.
Passel, J. (2007, March 28). Growing Share of Inmigrants Chosing Naturalization. Retrieved January 3, 2015, from http://www.pewhispanic.org/2007/03/28/growing-share-of-immigrants-choosing-naturalization/
Payán, R., & Nettles, M. (2008). Current State of English-Language Learners in the U.S. K-12 Student Population. Retrieved january 12, 2015, from ets.org: https://www.ets.org/Media/Conferences_and_Events/pdf/ELLsympsium/ELL_factsheet.pdf
Prensky, M. (2006). Don't bother me, Mom, I'm learning! How computer and video games are preparing your kids for 21st century success and how you can help. St. Paul: Paragon House.
Rebetez, C., & Betancourt, M. (2007). Video Games Research in Cognitive and Educational Sciences. Cognition, Brain and Behavior, 131-142.
Ross, S. C., & Beheny, J. (2011). Improving Latino, English language learners' reading fluency: The effects of small-group and one-on-one intervention. Psychology In The Schools, 604-618.
Sapienza, P. K. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of response to intervention: Comparing the reading achievement of ELLs and native English speakers. (Unpublished Disertation) College of Education and Human Development.
Schhneider, B., Martinez, S., & Ownes, A. (2006). Barriers to Educational Opportunities for Hispanics in the United States. In M. Tienda, & F. Mitchell, Hispanics and the Future of America. Washington DC: National Academic Press.
Snart, F., Das, J. P., & Mensink, D. (1988). Reading Disabled Children with Above-Average IQ. The Journal of Special Education, 344-357
Solaris, E. M. (2008). Early Comprehension Instruction for Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners: Teaching Text-Level Reading Skills While Maintaining Effects on Word-Level Skills. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 155-168.
Squire, K., DeVane, B., & Durga, S. (2008). Designing Centers of Expertise for Academic Learning Through Video Games. Theory Into Practice, 240-251.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. § 6319 (2008). Van Luit, J., Kroesbergen, E., & Naglieri, J. (2005). Utility of the PASS Theory and Cognitive Assessment System for Dutch Children With and Without ADHD. Journal of Learning Disabliitites, 434-439.
Vaughn, S., Mathes, P., Linan, S., & Francis, D. (2005). Teaching English Language Learners At Risk for Reading Disabilities to Read: Putting Research into Practice. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 58-67.
Young, M., Slota, S., Cutter, A., Jalette, G., Mullin, G., Lai, B., Yukhymenko, M. (2012). Our Princess Is In Another Castle: A Review of Trends in Serious Gaming for Education. Review of Educational Research, 61-89.
Adams , D. M. (2013). Exploring the Effect of Video Game Playing on Static and Dynamic Spatial. (Unpublished Disertation) University of California, Santa Barbara
Annetta, L. (2008). Video Games in Education: Why They Should Be Used. Theory Into Practice, 229-239.
August, D., McCardle, P., & Shanahan, T. (2014). Developing Literacy in English Language Learners: Findings From a Review of the Experimental Research. School Psychology Review, 490-498.
Baez, M. (2005). Exploratory study to evalúate the possibility of cognate remediation in a group of children with reading disabilities: Application of the PASS neuropsychological model. (Unpublished Doctoral Disseration) University of Puerto Rico Rico, Piedras Campus
Baker, K. (2001). Reading Instruction with Poor Readers: A Comparison of the PASS Reading Enhancement Program (PREP) and a Teacher-Developed Phonics-Based. Thesis.
Belli, S., & Lopez, C. (2008). A Brief History of Video Games. Athenea Digital, 159-179.
Boot, W. R., Champion, M., Blakely, D. P., Wright, T., Souders, D. J., & Chamess, N. (2013). Video games as a means to reduce age-related cognitive decline: attitudes, compliance, and effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology.
Bozoki, A., Radovanovic, M., Winn, B., Heeter, C., & Anthony, J. G. (2013). Effects of a computer-based cognitive exercise program on age-related cognitive decline. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Chiyoko Harvey, S. (2000). The Effects of Process-based Reading Enhancement Program (PREP): A Cognitive Processing Approach to the Reading Remediation of Title 1 Elementary Students . Dissertation.
Churches, M. (1999). Assesment and Remediation of Sucssesive Processing Deficits Using the PASS Information Procesing Model. Dissertation.
Coller, B. D., & Scott, M. J. (2009). Effectiveness of using a video game to teach a course in mechanical engineering. Computers & Education, 900-912.
Colzato, L. S., van den Wildenberg, W. P., Zmigrod, S., & Hommel , B. (2013). Action video gaming and cognitive control: playing Wrst person shooter games is associated with improvement in working memory but not action inhibition. Psychological Research, 234–239.
Connors-Tadros, L. (2014). Definitions and Approaches to Measuring Reading Proficiency . Ceelo Fast Facts.
Criollo, A. (2018, March 9). Caribbean Bussiness. Puerto Rico lost 6% of its population after Hurricane Maria.
Das, J. P., Mishra, R. K., & Kirby, J.R. (1994). Cognitive patterns of children with dyslexia: A Comparison Between Groups with High and Average Nonverbal Intelligence. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 235-242.
Das, J. P., Mishra, R. K., & Pool, J. E. (1995). An experiment on cognitive remediation or word-reading difficulty. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28(2), 66-79.
Das, J., Naglieri, J., & Kirby, J. R. (1994). Assessment of Cognitive Processes. Needham Heights: MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Das, J. P., & Siu, I. (1989). Good and Poor Readers’ Word Naming Time, Memory Span, and Story Recall. The Journal of Experimental Education, 101-114.
DeHann, J. (2008). Video games and second language acquisition: The effect of interactivity with a rhythm video game on second language vocabulary recall, cognitive load, and telepresence. .Dissertation.
De Giglio, L., De Luca, F., Prosperini, L., Borriello, G., Pozilli, C., Bianchi, V., & Pantano, P. (2015). A Low-Cost Cognitive Rehabilitation with a Commercial Video Game Improves Sustained Attention and Executive Functions in Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 453-461.
Disdier Flores, O., & Marazzi Santiago, M. (2013). Perfil del Sistema Educativo de Puerto Rico. Instituto de Estadisticas de Puerto Rico.
Edmonton, A. (2000). Assesment and Remediation using the PASS Theory with Canadian Natives. Thesis.
Edwin, M. (2000). A PASS Cogntive Processes Intervention Study in Mathematics. Dissertation.
Forget, T. (2001). An Investigation of the Efficacy of The PASS Reading Enhacen Program (PREP) as an Aptitude treatment Interaction (ATI) in the Remediation of Decoding Deficits in a Title I Remedial Summer School Porgram. Dissertation.
Fry, R. (2008, June 26). http://www.pewhispanic.org/. Retrieved December 1, 2014, from http://www.pewhispanic.org/2008/06/26/the-role-of-schools-in-the-english-language-learner-achievement-gap/
Garcia, O., Kleifgen, J., & Falchi, L. (2008). From English Language Learners to Emergent Bilinguals. Equity Matters.
Gee, J. (2009). Literacy, video games, and popular culture. The Cambridge handbook of literacy, 313-325.
Girard, C., Ecalle, J., & Magnan, A. (2013). Serious games as new educational tools: how effective are they? A meta-analysis of recent studies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 207-219.
Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2007). Action-Video-Game Experience Alters the Spatial Resolution of Vision. Psychol Sci, 88-94.
Green, C., & Bavelier, D. (2011). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Video Games. “Digital Media:Transformations in Human Communication”.
Han, I. (2008). Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for English Language Learners in Preschool through Sixth Grades: A Meta-Analysis of Group Design Studies. Dotoral Dissertation.
Hao-Jan, H., & Ting-Yu, C. (2013). The impact of adventure video games on foreign language learning and the perceptions of learners. Interactive Learning Environments, 129-141.
Hayward, D., Das, J. P., & Janzen, T. (2007). Innovative Programs for Improvement in Reading Through Cognitive Enhancement: A Remediation Study of Canadian First Nations Children. Journal of Learning Disablitites, 443-457.
http://www.cdc.gov/. (2014, July 1). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from http://www.cdc.gov /minorityhealth/populations/REMP/hispanic.html
http://www.learningpt.org/. (2004). Retrieved January 2, 2014, from http://www.learningpt.org/pdfs/literacy/components.pdf
Ke, F., & Grabowski, B. (2007). Gameplaying for maths learning: cooperative or not? British Journal of Educational Technology, 249-259.
Kirby, J. R., & Robinson, G. L. (1987). Simultaneous and Successive Processing in Reading Disabled Children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 243-252.
Kirby, J. R., Booth, C. A., & Das, J. P. (1996). Cognitive processes and IQ in reading disability. The Journal of Special Education, 442-456.
Klett, L., Cartledge, G., Kourea, L., Yurick, A., & Gibson, L. (2009). Early Reading Interventions: Responding to the Learning Needs of Young At-Risk English Language Learners. Learning Disability Quarterly , 143-162.
Klett, L., Cartledge, G., Kurea, L., Yurick, A., & Lenwood, G. (2009). Early Reading Interventions: Responding to the learning needs of young at-risk english language learners. Learning Disability Qiuirtcrly, 143-161.
Klopfer, E., & Squire, K. (2008). Environmental Detectives the development of an augmented reality platform for environmental simulations. Educational Technology Research and Development, 203-228.
Kolb, B., Gibb, R., & Robinson, T. (2003). Brain Plasticity and Behavior. American Psychological Association.
Kourea, L. (2007). Effects of a supplemental reading intervention package on the reading skills of English speakers and English language learners in three urban elementary schools: A follow-up investigation. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) Syracuse University
Kretzschmar, F., Pleimling, D., Hosemann, J., Füssel, S., Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I., & Schlesewsky, M. (2013). Subjective Impressions Do Not Mirror Online Reading Effort: Concurrent EEG-Eyetracking Evidence from the Reading of Books and Digital Media. Plos One.
Kulich, L. (2009). The English reading development of Karen children using the Fluency Development Lesson in an intensive English language program: Three descriptive case studies. (Unpublished Dissertation) University of Akron
Languis, M., & Miller, D. (1992). Luria's Theory of Brain Functioning: A model for researching cognitve psychology. Educational Psychologist, 493-511.
Lee, J., Grigg, W., & Donahue , P. (2007). The Nation's Report Card: Reading Statistics 2007. National Assesment of Educational Progress.
Lovett, M., De Palma, M., Steinbach, K., Temple, M., Benson, N., & Lacerenza, L. (2008). Interventions for reading difficulties: A comparison of response to intervention by ELL and EFL struggling readers. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 333-352.
Luria, A. (1974). El Cerebro en Acción. Barcelona: Fontanela.
Mahapatra, S. (1990). Reading behavior in children with epilepsy. Psychological Studies, 170-178
Mathiak, K., Klasen, M., Weber, R., Ackermann, H., Shergill, S., & Mathiak, K. (2011). Reward system and temporal pole contributions to affective evaluarion during a first person shooter video game. Neuroscience.
Mayer, R. E., Adams, D. M., & Pilegard, C. (2016). Evaluating the Cognitive Consequences of Playing Portal for a Short Duration. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 173-195.
Medina, N. (2007). Estudio sobre la modificación cognitiva en niños con dificultades en la lectura y Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad Tipo Combinado. Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Moucha, R., & Kilgard, M. (2006). Cortical plasticity and rehabilitation. Progress in Brain Research, 111-122.
Murnane, R., Sawhill, I., & Snow, C. (2012). Literacy Challenges for the Twenty-First Century: Istroducing the issue. The Future of Children, 3-15.
Naglieri, J., Das, J., & Goldstein, S. (2014). Cognitive Assessment System: Brief. Shoal Creek Boulevard: Pro-ed.
Naglieri, J. A., & Johnson, D. (2000). Effectiveness of a Cognitive Strategy Intervention in Improving Arithmetic Computation Based on the PASS Theory. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 591-597.
Naglieri, J. A., & Otero, T. M. (2011). The Cognitive Assessment System and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV in a neuropsychological context. In Mathers, N., & Jaffe, L. E. (Eds.), Comprehensive evaluations: Case reports for psychologists, diagnosticians and special educators. John Wiley and Sons
Naglieri, J. A., Taddei, S. & Williams, Kevin (2006) Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of U.S. and Italian children's performance on the PASS theory of intelligence as measured --by the Cognitive Assessment System. Psychological Assessment, 157-166
Naglieri, J. A., & Otero, T. M. (2010). Cognitive Assesment System: Redifining Inteligence from a Neuropsychological Perspective. Handbook of Pediatric Neropsychology, 1-16.
Otero, T. M., Gonzales, L., & Naglieri, J. A. (2013). The Neurocogntive Assement of Hispanic English Language Learners With Reading Failure . Aplied Neuropsychology; Child, 24-32.
Papastergiou, M. (2009). Exploring the potential of computer and video games for health and physical education: A literature review. Computers & Education, 603-622.
Papadopoulos, T. C., Charalambous, A., Kanari, A., & Loizou, M. (2004). Kindergarten cognitive intervention for reading difficulties: The PREP remediation in Greek. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 79-105.
Passel, J. (2007, March 28). Growing Share of Inmigrants Chosing Naturalization. Retrieved January 3, 2015, from http://www.pewhispanic.org/2007/03/28/growing-share-of-immigrants-choosing-naturalization/
Payán, R., & Nettles, M. (2008). Current State of English-Language Learners in the U.S. K-12 Student Population. Retrieved january 12, 2015, from ets.org: https://www.ets.org/Media/Conferences_and_Events/pdf/ELLsympsium/ELL_factsheet.pdf
Prensky, M. (2006). Don't bother me, Mom, I'm learning! How computer and video games are preparing your kids for 21st century success and how you can help. St. Paul: Paragon House.
Rebetez, C., & Betancourt, M. (2007). Video Games Research in Cognitive and Educational Sciences. Cognition, Brain and Behavior, 131-142.
Ross, S. C., & Beheny, J. (2011). Improving Latino, English language learners' reading fluency: The effects of small-group and one-on-one intervention. Psychology In The Schools, 604-618.
Sapienza, P. K. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of response to intervention: Comparing the reading achievement of ELLs and native English speakers. (Unpublished Disertation) College of Education and Human Development.
Schhneider, B., Martinez, S., & Ownes, A. (2006). Barriers to Educational Opportunities for Hispanics in the United States. In M. Tienda, & F. Mitchell, Hispanics and the Future of America. Washington DC: National Academic Press.
Snart, F., Das, J. P., & Mensink, D. (1988). Reading Disabled Children with Above-Average IQ. The Journal of Special Education, 344-357
Solaris, E. M. (2008). Early Comprehension Instruction for Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners: Teaching Text-Level Reading Skills While Maintaining Effects on Word-Level Skills. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 155-168.
Squire, K., DeVane, B., & Durga, S. (2008). Designing Centers of Expertise for Academic Learning Through Video Games. Theory Into Practice, 240-251.
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20 U.S.C. § 6319 (2008). Van Luit, J., Kroesbergen, E., & Naglieri, J. (2005). Utility of the PASS Theory and Cognitive Assessment System for Dutch Children With and Without ADHD. Journal of Learning Disabliitites, 434-439.
Vaughn, S., Mathes, P., Linan, S., & Francis, D. (2005). Teaching English Language Learners At Risk for Reading Disabilities to Read: Putting Research into Practice. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 58-67.
Young, M., Slota, S., Cutter, A., Jalette, G., Mullin, G., Lai, B., Yukhymenko, M. (2012). Our Princess Is In Another Castle: A Review of Trends in Serious Gaming for Education. Review of Educational Research, 61-89.
Cómo citar
A Neurocognitive Video Game Intervention Effects on the Reading Skills and Cognitive Abilities of English Language Learners. (2019). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 30(1), 122-137. https://www.repsasppr.net/index.php/reps/article/view/436
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Cómo citar
A Neurocognitive Video Game Intervention Effects on the Reading Skills and Cognitive Abilities of English Language Learners. (2019). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 30(1), 122-137. https://www.repsasppr.net/index.php/reps/article/view/436