La terapia de familia: Un atisbo a los modelos psicoeducativos como alternativa para la intervención como familias puertorriqueñas
This paper presents a literature review in relation to psychoeducative models in family therapy. The basics concepts of systems theory are presented as a way to explain the change from a lineal to a circular cuasality in family symptoms. The main research of Bateson, Carkhuff, Guerney, Bowen and others are reviewed as an introduction to psychoeducative interventions with families.
Models like Family Strengths, Parent Effectiveness Training and Carol Anderson's interventions with families and schizophrenia are presented. the different parts of the therapeutic intervention as a psychoeducative tool are presented including the utilization of members of the family which is presenting the symptoms. the authors state the need for research with families in Puerto Rico and to consider the possibilities and limitations in the application of this therapeutic models with Puerto Rican families.