The effects of workplace bullying on sleep well-being: The mediating role of rumination
There is evidence of the effects of workplace bullying on victims who may manifest symptoms of depression, anxiety, burnout, somatization, and posttraumatic stress; however, few studies have examined the impact of workplace bullying on sleep. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between workplace bullying and sleep well-being and how rumination mediates this relationship. A total of 1,046 employed subjects participated in this cross-sectional design study. To examine the hypotheses, the structural equations model was used via SMART-PLS program. In addition to examine the relationship between workplace bullying and sleep well-being, several mediation analyzes were conducted to examine the mediating role of work-related rumination in the relationship of workplace bullying and sleep well-being. Workplace bullying was inversely and significantly correlated with sleep well-being. The affective rumination was inversely and significantly correlated with sleep well-being, and detachment also correlated significantly, but positively with sleep well-being. However, the problem-solving dimension did not correlate significantly with sleep well-being. Mediation analyzes suggest that affective rumination and detachment mediate the relationship between workplace bullying and sleep well-being. The results of the present study have both theoretical and practical implications, among which we can mention that sleep well-being is an important factor in the recovery of people and workplace bullying as well as rumination seem to affect it, it brings a challenge for the psychologists in occupational health context and human resources practitioners in the management of this phenomenon in organizations.
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