Gabriel Cirino Gerena Antonio Magriña


A job analysis was designed to determine the content areas to be included by Puerto Rico Psychological Board of Examiners in the licensing exam. A questionaire described 106 job-related tasks which the practicing psychologists rated on a five-interval scale, and a section of 20 items on the type of information used in their job (knowledge use) was applied to the participants. Of the 400 licenced psychologists, 160 persons were randomly selected of which 101 (63%) psychologist responded. The most important tasks for the diveres specialites of psychologists (clinical, school, industrial, social and research psychologists) were ranked by each speciality. correlations between the tasks of each practicing specialty showed a significant r between clinical an school psychologists (r = .878), also uses of knowledge showed a highly significant r for clinicians and school psychologists (.866). A principal components factor analysis of the 106 tasks, identified seven (7) varimax rotated factors. A principal component factor analysis of the 20 knowledge use items identified six knowledge areas. The most important tasks for all specialties were organization and classificatrion of information and writing research and intervention reports.



Cómo citar
Estudio del trabajo del psicólogo en Puerto Rico. (2016). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 4(1), 1-27.
Artículo de investigación

Cómo citar

Estudio del trabajo del psicólogo en Puerto Rico. (2016). Revista Puertorriqueña De Psicologia, 4(1), 1-27.